This interview is part of our #WCEU Series of interviews, which can be found in the Pirate Interviews category on our blog, along with many other talks we’ve had with interesting people. Last month, it was Alex Denning who shared his insights on marketing and content.

Now, let’s get back to the Sherry Walling interview!

Sherry Walling Interview – About Productivity and Mental Health in the Business World

You have a Ph.D. in psychology, you’re a podcaster and author. How did you get involved with WordPress?

Yes, I have a Ph.D. in clinical psychology and I host a podcast called ZenFounder. Well, for many many years I’ve been in the technology world – in a startup world – where, of course, there’s a lot of interaction with WordPress since you all run like most of the internet. So for the last several years, I’ve been attending CaboPress and a couple of different WordCamps and talking about mental health in these communities.

  • clinical psychology and I host a podcast called ZenFounder.
  • Well, for many many years I’ve been in the technology world – in a startup world
  • WordPress since you all run like most of the internet.
  • So for the last several years, I’ve been attending CaboPress and a couple of different
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